Seeing my clients bring real and lasting change to their lives is why I LOVE what I do!


“…so instead of my inner critic being a screaming voice that stops me dead in my tracks, I now can push through the fear with confidence to succeed. 'Thank you, MaryAnn, for helping me find the courage to soar!” 

- Shannon D.

Hi! I’m MaryAnn.

The most important thing you need to know about me is that I used to have a bully living inside my head, too.

She spent most of my life trying to convince me that I’m way less than my strong, marvelous, fearless authentic self.

And, oh boy, was she good at it! 

She had lots of ammunition. 

Adoption – “Your own mother didn’t want you.”

Abuse at the hands of a child predator – “You’re bad, damaged, and it’s all your fault.”

Anorexia – “You’re worthless. It’d be better if you disappeared.”

Even though I’d experienced much in what the world defines as success,

My inner critic kept me on a wild pendulum ride swinging back and forth between perfectionism & judgment to anxiety & depression.

It wasn’t until a traumatic event with my teenage daughter turned my life upside down that I’d finally had ENOUGH. 

Everything my inner critic had told me of how I had to keep everything “under control” and “behave” to keep anything bad from happening again became crystal clear as the lies they were. 

When that truth pierced my heart and the light bulb switched on inside my head, I was able for the very first time to truly see my inner critic for the shameless captor she was. 

I began to stand up to her and take my life back. 

I’m here today so you can do the same for yourself. 

Take back the parts of your life you've given away - personally, professionally, or both.

The best part is that you don’t have to go it alone. 

You can BE YOU with strength and confidence exactly the way that feels genuine to you beginning today.

I’m going to let you in on a little secret. You’ve already begun by reading this far. You’re already standing up to your inner critic. 

You’re no victim. Not anymore.

So, if visiting my website is Step 1 (congrats!), deciding how to begin working together is Step 2.

I can’t wait to connect with you wherever you are on your journey of living your best authentic life. 

Click here to learn more about my private and organizational team coaching packages.

Lead better in business and life.

Coaching Programs

From a very young age, I always found myself in the role of The Leader.

I have a keen ability to assess people and situations. Whether bossing all the other kids around at summer camp or leading more positively in my adult life during my work in the judicial system, international experience in both the public and private sector, supporting endeavors on behalf of U.S. military members, or my extensive leadership expertise in the non-profit arena, I am known for bringing fearless insights to problem solving and I always execute to the goal.

One of my greatest highlights was being awarded the national Meritorious Public Service Award, the third highest honor a civilian can receive, for my work on quality of life issues on behalf of members of the Armed Forces and their families.

Over the years, I began noticing that very competent people often questioned their own talent and purpose.

I realized what was missing — the ability to control their inner critic while underestimating the power of their own authenticity. It was a problem I had known and was committed to helping others overcome.

Yogi Berra said, “When you come to a fork in the road, take it.”

I did! I left my 9-5 job and founded AuthenticA Coaching & Consulting where I am living my best authentic life serving individuals, business and non-profit organizations no longer satisfied with mediocrity but are ready to reach higher and say YES to living and leading their best authentic life for themselves, their teams, and their mission.

I am a Gallup® Certified Strengths Coach, Leadership Development Trainer and I would love to be the speaker for your next virtual or in-person event or conference.

I hold degrees from the University of Louisville and Florida International University. I am an avid reader and writer, enjoy creek tromping on my small Kentucky farm, have a passion for fast cars, and you will often find me on stage as part of an award-winning acting company.


Need a strong foundation as you begin working on that great idea of yours?

Want to bounce your idea off a professional coach?

Contact me by email or book a call. I look forward to connecting with amazing, authentic you!

Four Reasons Why I'm Obsessed with CliftonStrengths©

People who put their strengths into practice every day are 3x more likely to report having an excellent quality of life.
People who put their strengths into practice every day are six times more likely to be engaged at work.
People who put their strengths into practice every day are likely to be 8% more productive.
People who put their strengths into practice every day are 15% less likely to quit their jobs.

"MaryAnn helped me tackle what I really wanted in my career and life in general."


"Putting in the time to complete the tasks in preparation for each coaching session allowed me to focus on a concise and attainable plan of work.

Each session continued to build on my success and the support that MaryAnn freely bestowed kept moving me in a positive direction. I am forever grateful to her!"

- Katie Fussenegger
Executive Vice President KY Derby Museum


Ready to calm your inner critic and finally step into your next-level self?Ā 

My in-person group coaching is also available in an online program: Calm Your Inner Critic. Doors will open again in early 2025.

You can experience all the transformation of owning your authentic voice all from theĀ comfort of your own home.Ā 

Click here to learn more about the
Calm Your Inner Critic course